Understanding When to Replace or Repair Your AC Unit
Considering the complexity of air conditioners, it’s understandable to wonder what to do when they stop working. Typically, you have two ways to resolve this issue: having your AC system repaired or replaced. But, before deciding what to do with your home’s AC unit, there are critical things to consider. Here’s more information to help you determine whether to repair or replace your AC unit.
When to Schedule an AC Unit Repair
Having AC experts repair your unit can keep it working like new. Before you consider replacing your AC unit, the following signs are when a repair could be the better move.
Your AC Unit Is Less Than 10 Years Old
It’s not unheard of for a brand-new AC unit to experience an occasional problem. However, as stressful as it can feel, having a new unit break down doesn’t always mean it needs replacing. Before you commit to replacing your current unit with another brand-new one, contact Precision Heating & Air. We can determine the exact reason or reasons why your new unit isn’t working properly. Our inspection could also save you money if a simple fix stops you from buying a brand-new AC system.
Financial Considerations
Understandably, purchasing a brand-new AC system might seem financially impossible. If repairing your AC unit is the cheaper option, this repair could keep your system stable until you can afford a replacement unit.
You’re Moving Soon
Whether for a job or personal reasons, you could be preparing for an upcoming move. In this situation, paying for AC repair will probably be financially wiser than buying a brand-new system you won’t be there to enjoy. The exception to this rule is if you want a brand-new air conditioning unit to increase your home’s resale value. Potential home buyers typically prefer properties with new appliances, including air conditioning units.
The Problem Is Easy to Fix
Problems with residential AC units range in severity. Severe problems could require lots of time and multiple replacement parts to resolve. However, an AC repair is sometimes as simple as removing a non-working part and inserting the correct replacement component. If a quick and fast fix can resolve your AC-related problem, there’s no reason to replace this otherwise fully functional unit.
The advantages of having your home’s AC unit professionally repaired are:
- Typically less expensive than buying a brand-new unit
- Potentially increase longevity of the system
- Possibly reduce utility bills
When to Have Your AC Unit Replaced
Scheduling an AC repair can help a worn-down unit start working like it’s in brand-new condition. However, contacting a professional HVAC company for repairs isn’t always your best option. Here’s when replacing your AC unit is the best thing to do.
You Own an Old AC Unit
Generally speaking, experts recommend replacing your AC unit every 10 to 20 years. They typically begin to lose energy efficiency after 10 years. If your AC unit is over 10 years old and isn’t working optimally, replacing it will likely be your best option.
What if you’re unsure how old your AC system is? You can typically find your AC unit’s age on its condenser nameplate. This nameplate should contain information about your AC unit, including its manufacturing date.
Before you assume a new HVAC will cost a fortune, check out the many specials and sales offered by Precision Heating & Air. Chances are, especially with potential rebates and incentives, your home’s new AC system will cost less than you assume. We also offer financing options on approved credit.
High Energy Bills
Nobody wants to spend a fortune to keep their homes cool. However, that’s the reality for many homeowners with worn-down AC units. As these units age, they typically lose their ability to quickly and efficiently cool a home. This situation sometimes leaves homeowners with no choice but to keep their air conditioners running continually.
Keeping your AC on around the clock could lead to surprisingly high energy bills. Buying a newer, more efficient AC unit will likely lower your home’s monthly energy usage. Improved technology means many new systems are more eco-friendly than previously possible. A new AC system could result in lower monthly bills.
Taking Advantage of Incentives and Credits
A great part of making a big purchase is qualifying for a rebate or an incentive. A rebate typically involves getting paid back for a portion of your purchase. You can often find tax-related incentives and credits for new Energy Star-rated AC systems. However, remember that these tax credits and incentives can change each year. Are you unsure about what incentives or credits you potentially qualify for? Our friendly experts at Precision Heating & Air will help you learn about available rebates, credits, and incentives.
No More Expensive Emergency Repair Calls
If there’s one moment most homeowners dread, it’s having to make an emergency repair call. Air conditioning problems can happen at any time, usually when you need them the most. Unfortunately, repairs don’t often last long if your home has an aging AC unit. Sometimes, fixing one worn part of an older AC unit won’t make much difference if its other components soon stop working.
You’re Doing Extensive Remodeling
Something fun about owning a home is having the freedom to remodel it. If you are renovating your home, its current AC location might need to change. Sometimes, homeowners use renovations as a much-needed way to update their air conditioning units with something newer.
Your AC Unit Depends on Freon
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently decided to begin phasing out Freon at the beginning of 2020. Unfortunately, many homeowners have AC units that depend on Freon to cool their homes properly. While Freon isn’t illegal to use in your AC system, it likely won’t be cheap. Manufacturers in the United States can no longer produce Freon, and it is illegal to import it. This makes its supply extremely limited. This situation leaves some homeowners feeling like it’s more financially feasible to buy a new unit that doesn’t rely on this expensive refrigerant.
The advantages of having our team replace your AC unit could include:
- Lowering your energy bills
- Reducing your carbon footprint
- Enjoying a reliable system
- Qualifying for potential rebates and tax incentives
Your Reliable HVAC Team
The best way to avoid expensive repairs or having to replace your AC system prematurely is to invest in regular maintenance. Our Precision MVP Membership is designed to keep your HVAC system in top working condition.
Deciding whether to have a professional replace or repair your AC unit is a major decision. We can help. Let our expert technicians guide you in the process with precision repairs or selecting the perfect new system for your situation. We provide professional and fast AC and heater repair, replacement, and maintenance services, including emergency repair visits throughout the Dallas, GA area. We also install water heaters and can help improve your indoor air quality. When you need service for your AC system, contact Precision Heating & Air.
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