Have you noticed your heating and cooling bill costs are on the rise? Or do you want to take steps to save on energy costs in Atlanta? The team at Precision Heating & Air can help! Here are some tips to allow you to get the most heating and cooling out of your HVAC system for the least amount of energy.
Seal Cracks in Windows and Doors
To save on energy costs in Atlanta, seal up any gaps or cracks around windows and doors with weather stripping or caulking to reduce air infiltration into and out of your home.
Clean Registers in your Home
It may seem like a daunting task but give your registers a quick cleaning and make sure they are not blocked by furniture, carpet, or drapes.
Replace your Air Filter
Your HVAC’s air filter can get filled with dirt and debris. Not only will changing your air filter help you breathe easier, but you’ll save on your heating and cooling costs. Every few months, replace your air filter with a new one and replace it every month if you have pets.
Programmable Thermostat
A programmable thermostat works to automatically regulate the temperature in your home during times when no one is there, significantly improving your heating and cooling costs. Smart thermostats are handy if you have a hectic, unpredictable schedule since you can control your thermostat from your phone. A programmable thermostat is a great way to save on energy costs in Atlanta.
Use Energy Star Equipment
Cut energy costs by up to 30% by using ENERGY STAR-labeled products including your heating and cooling systems, appliances, and lighting. If your HVAC system is older than 15 years, you may benefit by upgrading your system to a newer, more efficient solution.
Seal Ducts
Warm and cool air can escape from cracks and gaps in your ductwork, so it’s important to have a professional seal for any cracks. This can reduce your heating and cooling bill significantly. While your ductwork is being sealed, you may want to have your system cleaned, too.
Heating and Cooling Tune-Up
When was the last time your HVAC system received a heating and cooling tune-up? During heating and cooling tune-up, a professional will ensure your system is in good working order so you can avoid HVAC system failures and make sure it’s working its best.
At Precision Heating & Air, we offer a comprehensive HVAC system tune-up. During your inspection, we will look at wiring, and connections, monitor fluids and pressures, test compressor starting operation, and more. Our 26-point cleaning and inspection will make sure your system is working efficiently! Contact us today to schedule your HVAC inspection in Dallas, GA, and learn how you can cut energy costs in Atlanta.